
This codelab uses Golang for the example service however the language used for this service isn't that important. Just make sure you're able to build a binary in whatever your preferred language is.

What You'll Learn

This codelab is quite long and tries to give an idea of what a complete build pipeline might look like for a docker and kubernetes based project. You'll learn:

What if I get stuck?

The final result of running through this codelab can be found here for reference. If you really get stuck you can find us on gitter!

First up, let create a service to deploy. It's not really important what it does or what language we implement it in. For the sake of this codelabs, we'll make a simple hello world HTTP service in Python.

Initialising the project

$ plz init 
$ go mod init
$ plz init plugin go

Set up the Go plugin

Add a go toolchain to third_party/go/BUILD

    name = "toolchain",
    version = "1.20",

And configure the plugin:

[Plugin "go"]
Target = //plugins:go
ImportPath =
GoTool = //third_party/go:toolchain|go

For more information on this, check out the Go codelab.

Creating a Go service

Create a file hello_service/service.go:

package main

import (

func main() {
  http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    fmt.Fprintln(w, "This is my website!")

  http.HandleFunc("/hello", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    fmt.Fprintln(w, "Hello, HTTP!")

  err := http.ListenAndServe(":8000", nil)
  if err != nil {
    log.Fatal("Error starting the server: ", err)

Then create a hello_service/BUILD file like so:

  name = "hello_service",
  srcs = ["service.go"],
  visibility = ["//hello_service/k8s:all"],

And test it works:

$ plz run //hello_service &
[1] 28694

$ curl localhost:8000
Hello, world!

$ pkill hello_service
[1]+  Terminated              plz run //hello_service

Before we create a docker image for our service, it can be useful to create a base image that all our services share. This can be used this to install language runtimes e.g. a python interpreter. If you're using a language that requires a runtime, this is where you should install it. In this case, we're using Go so this isn't strictly necessary.

Let's create a base docker file for our repo that all our services will use in common/docker/Dockerfile-base:

FROM ubuntu:22.04

RUN apt update -y && apt upgrade -y

Docker build rules

To use the docker build rules, we need to install the docker plugin, as well as the shell plugin which it requires:

$ plz init plugin shell && plz init plugin docker

We can then build a set of scripts that help us build, and push our docker images:

    name = "base",
    dockerfile = "Dockerfile-base",
    visibility = ["PUBLIC"],

And then let's build that:

$ plz build //common/docker:base
Build finished; total time 80ms, incrementality 40.0%. Outputs:

So what's going on?

As promised, the output of the docker image rule is a script that can build the docker image for you. We can have a look at what the script is doing:

$ cat plz-out/bin/common/docker/
docker build -t please-examples/base:0d45575ad71adea9861b079e5d56ff0bdc179a1868d06d6b3d102721824c1538 \
    -f Dockerfile-base - < plz-out/gen/common/docker/_base#docker_context.tar.gz

There's a couple key things to note:

We can run this script to build the image and push it to the docker daemon as set in our docker env:

$ plz run //common/docker:base

So now we have a base image, let's use it for our docker image. Create a hello_service/k8s/Dockerfile for our hello service:

FROM //common/docker:base

COPY /hello_service /hello_service

ENTRYPOINT [ "/hello_service" ]

And then set up some build rules for that in hello_service/k8s/BUILD:

    name = "image",
    srcs = ["//hello_service"],
    dockerfile = "Dockerfile",
    base_image = "//common/docker:base",

Let's build this and have a look at the script it generates:

$ plz build //hello_service/k8s:image
Build finished; total time 100ms, incrementality 100.0%. Outputs:

$ cat plz-out/bin/hello_service/k8s/
./plz-out/bin/common/docker/ \
  && docker build -t please-example/image:0d45575ad71adea9861b079e5d56ff0bdc179a1868d06d6b3d102721824c1538 -f \
  Dockerfile - < plz-out/gen/hello_service/k8s/_image#docker_context.tar.gz

Note, this script takes care of building the base image for us, so we don't have to orchestrate this ourselves.

Let's create hello_service/k8s/deployment.yaml for our service:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello
    app: hello
  replicas: 3
      app: hello
        app: hello
        - name: main
          image: //hello_service/k8s:image
            # This must match the port we start the server on in hello-service/
            - containerPort: 8000

Let's also create hello_service/k8s/service.yaml for good measure:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: hello-svc
    app: hello
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 8000
      targetPort: 8000

Kubernetes rules

Note that we've referenced the image //hello-service/k8s:image in the deployment. The kubernetes rules are able to template your yaml files substituting in the image with the correct label based on the version of the image we just built! This ties all the images and kubernetes manifests together based on the current state of the repo making the deployment much more reproducible!

To add the kubernetes rules, run plz init plugin k8s.

Let's update hello_service/k8s/BUILD to build these manifests:

    name = "image",
    srcs = ["//hello_service"],
    dockerfile = "Dockerfile",
    base_image = "//common/docker:base",

    name = "k8s",
    srcs = [
    containers = [":image"],

And check that has done the right thing:

$ plz build //hello_service/k8s
Build finished; total time 90ms, incrementality 90.9%. Outputs:

$ cat plz-out/gen/hello_service/k8s/templated_deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello
    app: hello
  replicas: 3
      app: hello
        app: hello
      - name: main
        image: please-example/image:0d45575ad71adea9861b079e5d56ff0bdc179a1868d06d6b3d102721824c1538
          # This must match the port we start the server on in hello-service/
          - containerPort: 8000

As you can see, this image matches the image we built earlier! These rules also provide a useful script for pushing the manifests to kubernetes:

$ plz build //hello_service/k8s:k8s_push
Build finished; total time 140ms, incrementality 100.0%. Outputs:

$ cat plz-out/bin/hello_service/k8s/
kubectl apply -f plz-out/gen/hello_service/k8s/templated_deployment.yaml && \
kubectl apply -f plz-out/gen/hello_service/k8s/templated_service.yaml

Let's tie this all together by deploying our service to minikube!

Setting up minikube

We can get Please to download minikube for us. Let's create third_party/binary/BUILD to do so:

remote_file (
    name = "minikube",
    url = f"{CONFIG.OS}-{CONFIG.ARCH}",
    binary = True,

And then we can start the cluster like so:

$ plz run //third_party/binary:minikube -- start

Deploying our service

First we need to push our images to minikube's docker. To do this we need to point docker at minikube:

$ eval $(plz run //third_party/binary:minikube -- docker-env)

Then we can run our deployment scripts:

$ plz run //hello_service/k8s:image_load && plz run //hello_service/k8s:k8s_push

And check they're working as we expected:

$ kubectl port-forward service/hello-svc 8000:8000 &
[1] 25986

$ curl localhost:8000
Hello world!

$ pkill kubectl 
[1]+  Terminated              kubectl kubectl port-forward service/hello-svc 8000:8000

Here we have learnt about the provided targets we need to run to get our changes deployed to minikube, however it's a bit of a ritual. Let's look at consolidating this into a single command. Luckily the generated targets are labeled so this is as simple as:

$ plz run sequential --include docker-build --include k8s-push //hello_service/... 

We can then set up an alias for this in .plzconfig:

[alias "deploy"]
cmd = run sequential --include docker-build --include k8s-push
; Enable tab completion for build labels
positionallabels = true

This is used like:

$ plz deploy //hello_service/...

To finish this off, it's worth talking about the challenges with building docker images from Docker files in a file based build system.

Integrating a build system with docker build is notoriously difficult. Build systems have trouble building your image as docker build sends the image to a daemon running in the background. There's no easy way to get a file based artifact out of Docker without this extra infrastructure. The built in rules produce a number of scripts to help build, load, push and save images:

    name = "image",
    srcs = [":example"],
    base_image = ":base",
    run_args = "-p 8000:8000",
    visibility = ["//k8s/example:all"],

This single target produces the following sub-targets:

There are two ways we anticipate these targets to be used as part of a CI/CD pipeline: