
What You'll Learn

what if I get stuck?

The final result of running through this codelab can be found here for reference. If you really get stuck you can find us on gitter!

Let's create a new project:

$ mkdir getting_started_python && cd getting_started_python
$ plz init --no_prompt
$ plz init plugin python

A note about your Please PATH

Please doesn't use your host system's PATH variable. By default, Please uses /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin. If Python isn't in this path, you will need to add the following to .plzconfig:

path = $YOUR_PYTHON_INSTALL_HERE:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin

So what just happened?

You will see this has created a number of files in your working folder:

$ tree -a
├── pleasew
├── plugins
│   └── BUILD
├── .plzconfig
└── plz-out
    └── log
        └── build.log

The pleasew script is a wrapper script that will automatically install Please if it's not already! This means Please projects are portable and can always be built via git clone https://... example_module && cd example_module && ./pleasew build.

The plugins/BUILD is a file generated by plz init plugin python which defines a build target for the python plugin.

The file .plzconfig contains the project configuration for Please.


preloadsubincludes = ///python//build_defs:python

[Plugin "python"]
Target = //plugins:python

Read the config documentation and python plugin config for more information on configuration.

Finally, the plz-out directory contains artifacts built by plz.

Now we have a Please project, it's time to start adding some code to it! Let's create a "hello world" program:


print('Hello, world!')

We now need to tell Please about our Python code. Please projects define metadata about the targets that are available to be built in BUILD files. Let's create a BUILD file to build this program:


  name = "main",
  main = "",

That's it! You can now run this with:

$ plz run //src:main
Hello, world!

There's a lot going on here; first off, python_binary() is one of the python plugin functions. This build function creates a "build target" in the src package. A package, in the Please sense, is any directory that contains a BUILD file.

Each build target can be identified by a build label in the format //path/to/package:label, i.e. //src:main. There are a number of things you can do with a build target such e.g. plz build //src:main, however, as you've seen, if the target is a binary, you may run it with plz run.

Let's add a src/greetings package to our Python project:


import random

def greeting():
    return random.choice(["Hello", "Bonjour", "Marhabaan"])

We then need to tell Please how to compile this library:


    name = "greetings",
    srcs = [""],
    visibility = ["//src/..."],

NB: Unlike many popular build systems, Please doesn't just have one metadata file in the root of the project. Please will typically have one BUILD file per Python package.

We can then build it like so:

$ plz build //src/greetings
Build finished; total time 290ms, incrementality 50.0%. Outputs:

Here we can see that the output of a python_library rule is a .py file which is stored in plz-out/gen/src/greetings/

We have also provided a visibility list to this rule. This is used to control where this python_library() rule can be used within our project. In this case, any rule under src, denoted by the ... syntax.

NB: This syntax can also be used on the command line, e.g. plz build //src/....

A note about python_binary()

If you're used to Python, one thing that might trip you up is how we package Python. The python_binary() rule outputs something called a pex. This is very similar to the concept of a .jar file from the java world. All the Python files relating to that build target are zipped up into a self-executable .pex file. This makes deploying and distributing Python simple as there's only one file to distribute.

Check it out:

$ plz build //src:main
Build finished; total time 50ms, incrementality 100.0%. Outputs:

$ plz-out/bin/src/main.pex
Bonjour, world!

To maintain a principled model for incremental and hermetic builds, Please requires that rules are explicit about their inputs and outputs. To use this new package in our "hello world" program, we have to add it as a dependency:


    name = "main",
    main = "",
    # NB: if the package and rule name are the same, you may omit the name i.e. this could be just //src/greetings
    deps = ["//src/greetings:greetings"],

You can see we use a build label to refer to another rule here. Please will make sure that this rule is built before making its outputs available to our rule here.

Then update src/


from src.greetings import greetings

print(greetings.greeting() + ", world!")

Give it a whirl:

$ plz run //src:main
Bonjour, world!

Let's create a very simple test for our library:


import unittest
from src.greetings import greetings

class GreetingTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_greeting(self):

We then need to tell Please about our tests:


    name = "greetings",
    srcs = [""],
    visibility = ["//src/..."],

    name = "greetings_test",
    srcs = [""],
    # Here we have used the shorthand `:greetings` label format. This format can be used to refer to a rule in the same
    # package and is shorthand for `//src/greetings:greetings`.
    deps = [":greetings"],

We've used python_test() to define our test target. This is a special build rule that is considered a test. These rules can be executed as such:

$ plz test //src/...
//src/greetings:greetings_test 1 test run in 3ms; 1 passed
1 test target and 1 test run in 3ms; 1 passed. Total time 90ms.

Please will run all the tests it finds under //src/..., and aggregate the results up. This works even across languages allowing you to test your whole project with a single command.

Using pip_library()

Eventually, most projects need to depend on third-party code. Let's include NumPy into our package. Conventionally, third-party dependencies live under //third_party/... (although they don't have to), so let's create that package:


package(default_visibility = ["PUBLIC"])

    name = "numpy",
    version = "1.23.4",
    zip_safe = False, # This is because NumPy has shared object files which can't be linked to them when zipped up

This will download NumPy for us to use in our project. We use the package() built-in function to set the default visibility for this package. This can be very useful for third-party rules to avoid having to specify visibility = ["PUBLIC"] on every pip_library() invocation.

NB: The visibility "PUBLIC" is a special case. Typically, items in the visibility list are labels. "PUBLIC" is equivalent to //....

Setting up our module path

Importing Python modules is based on the import path. That means by default, we'd import NumPy as import third_party.python.numpy. To fix this, we need to tell Please where our third-party module is. Add the following to your .plzconfig:


[plugin "python"]
ModuleDir = third_party.python

NB: if you encounter an error eg. no such option: --system you are likely using an operating system where you need to disable vendor flags. This can be done by adding this config.


[plugin "python"]
DisableVendorFlags = true

Updating our tests

We can now use this library in our code:


from numpy import random

def greeting():
    return random.choice(["Hello", "Bonjour", "Marhabaan"])

And add NumPy as a dependency:


    name = "greetings",
    srcs = [""],
    visibility = ["//src/..."],
    deps = ["//third_party/python:numpy"],

    name = "greetings_test",
    srcs = [""],
    deps = [":greetings"],
$ plz run //src:main
Marhabaan, world!

Hopefully you now have an idea as to how to build Python with Please. Please is capable of so much more though!

Otherwise, why not try one of the other codelabs!